Report a Trail Problem

- email at
- complete the form at
- or use the TrailCare app on your Apple or Android smartphone
The Bolton Trails Committee volunteers try their best to keep up with all of the downed trees and other problems that come up with maintaining all of the conservation and open space areas in town (with the exception of the State owned properties of Delaney and Bolton Flats). It’s difficult for them to regularly visit every conservation area in town, so they could use help in reporting common trail problems you happen to come across while enjoying the trails.
Any method that is used to report trail problems is helpful to the Bolton Trails Committee and keeping the infographic in mind will help keep the Bolton trail network in the best condition possible.
The steering group of the Bolton Trails Committee recently started using the TrailCare app at their monthly meetings to help coordinate volunteer efforts. If you are out enjoying the trail network in Bolton, and could report any problems you find directly to the app, it would be greatly appreciated.
The TrailCare app was created by a local New Englander that saw a gap in needing a simple, anonymous way for those that use the trails to be able to report problems to those that maintain the trails. The app alerts the Bolton Trails Committee admins directly through email and plots the location, type of issue, and photo (optional) directly on a trail map. To learn more about this app, you can visit the website at
If you would like to get more involved in helping the Bolton Trails Committee take care of the trail network in town, visit to learn more or sign up as a volunteer.